This section contains a varied selection of posters, leaflets, letters, booklets and forms that are all
related to table football or actual football.
Table Football Teams 2005.
Here is another lovely piece of Table Football history.
This Littleplasticmen team colours chart from December 2005 features many of the top sides in their wonderful hand painted kits.
The teams produced by Littleplasticmen in both the white box and black box types were of the highest class and quality.
Credit and thanks to Littleplasticmen - LPM-Online
Subbuteo Classic Pictorial.
'Born in Langton Green'.
Here is a nice little booklet which contains a potted history of the Subbuteo story.
The booklet measures 210cm x 145 cm (A5) and it has 26 pages that contain lots of b/w pictures and editorial.
This booklet is available on a well known auction website.
Welsh (Subbuteo) Table Soccer Association
Application Form.
Here is a nice piece of Subbuteo related history.
It is a letter sent by R.M. Thomas (Secretary of the Welsh TSA) to Table Soccer Players offering information and advice on
joining or forming leagues that could enhance the enjoyment of the game and also help to improve skill levels.
The letter is written in a most polite style and it is a joy to read.
(Click on the image to enlarge)
S.C.T. Magazine
Subbuteo Club de Temploux.
This is a magazine/newsletter created by the Subbuteo Club de Temploux from the late 1980's.
Temploux is a village of Wallonia and a district of the city of Namur, located in the province of Namur, Belgium.
The magazine has lots of editorial by Benoit Jadot, tournament information, league results, pictures of happy club members,
advertisements and much more.
The content is written in French but is translatable quite easily.
(Click on images to enlarge)
Subbuteo Special Service
Order Forms.
These superb Subbuteo Football and Rugby Special Service Forms were gifted to me by a highly respected member of the Subbuteo community several years ago.
They sit very proudly in my collection and remind me of how exciting it must have been to enter a traditional toyshop back in the day and purchase a Special Service team.
Subbuteoworld Collector's Fair
Flyer from 2013.
A little piece of Subbuteoworld memorabilia which is now over 11 years old !
Prints by Subbuteo Style.
Collections 2021 and 2022.
The Table Football Club Collection 2021 and Collection 2022 teams depicted here in a set of superb, high quality prints by Subbuteo Style.
(Click on the images to enlarge)
Flick Me Sideways !
The Newsletter of the Subbuteo Collectors' Club.
Issue 6 Summer 1998.
A trip down memory lane to see this great booklet that was edited by Richard Payne with support from fellow Club Members Sean Wenlock, Jon Sawczyn, Adrian List, Sam Alcock, Mark Anderson and Peter Wroe.
I still enjoy reading through the content today.
(Click on images to enlarge)
All The Club Colours.
These magnificent posters were given away as free gifts with Issues 2 & 3 of the JAG comic in 1968.
I love the comment made on the Old Football Games website some years ago which stated:
"Is this more than a grown man can take?"
I think in this case, the answer is YES !
(Click on the images to enlarge)
Dave Storry - Scorer.....The Autograph !
In the Specials and Rarities section you will find the Tolcaster FC team that featured in the Daily Mirror comic strip for many years.
It was possible to join Dave Storry's 'Scorer Fan Club' by completing the membership application form shown below.
Even better, the welcome letter was personally autographed by the great man himself.
What a collectors item !
The Hotspur Handy Book of Football Club Colours.
The New Hotspur comic was launched in October 1959 and continued until it was incorporated into The Victor comic in January 1981.
In Issue No 174 the word 'New' was dropped from the title and thereafter it continued as The Hotspur.
Occasionally, The Hotspur gave a number of booklets which carried the 'Handy' description as free gifts.
The Hotspur issued on 11th October 1969 came with this football colours booklet as one of those free gifts.
The picture below of The Hotspur front cover is reproduced with the kind permission of the
Football Cartophilic Info Exchange.
And finally....
For absolutely no reason at all, other than I love looking at old football league tables.....
More content will be added to this section very soon.